Never trust a person that has let you down more than 2 times. Once was a warning, twice was a lesson and anything more than that is simply taking advantage. :-(
I don't want to flatter~!
I don't want to inhale other people's cigarette smoke~!
오늘도 패턴 댓글 참여해요! ^_^ 동영상보고 좋은 패턴도 배워가서 좋네요!ㅎㅎ
공대다보니 공대정문을 포함한 공대 캠퍼스쪽에는 남학우들의 담배 연기를 어쩔 수 없이 맡게되는데, 덕분에 요즘 감기가 더 낫지 않는 것 같아 생각나서 적어봐요!ㅋㅋㅋ ㅠㅠ
I don't want anyone to smoke in my house. (O) I don't want to ~는 자신이 무언가를 원치 않을때 쓰는 패턴이에요. 다른 사람이 (뭐뭐)하길 원치 않으시면 I don't want (누구) to ~이렇게 쓰시면 되요. 이 문장에선 "아무도" anyone을 쓰시면 OK! ^.^
In China, red symbolizes good fortune and joy. If you must wear the red dress, just think of it this way. By wearing the red dress, you will bring good luck, joy and happiness to your best friend's wedding! :)
break up with ~란 표현은 이성간이 헤어질 때 쓰는 표현인데, 그만큼 저희 개구리알 영어스쿨을 많이많이
사랑하고 애정가져 주시는군요! 감사합니다! 김예나 님이 원어민처럼 영어를 구사하는 날까지 열심히 노력하겠습니다! We love you too and don't worry. We will never be apart. :)♥
I'll give you a tip to beat the dreaded Monday Blues: Be positive! You've got to try your best not to be grumpy and start the week out with an "attitude of gratitude"! :)